Page 1 - Reviews - Olympian Labs, Greens 8 in 1, Ultimate Protein, Blueberry Flavor, 21.848 oz (619.22 g) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Sep 6, 2010
Verified Purchase

When I first learned of the importance of alkalizing one's blood to neutralize the effects of acidic buildup in the body, I began a search to find a complete Green Energy Drink that was designed to do just that. After just one drink, I felt a gentle, tsunami-like wave of PURE energy begin to course thru my body. It was the kind of energy I once felt when I was a small child. Nothing could compare with it. I not only was able to work hard for the rest of the afternoon, late into the night (around midnight) but I woke up long before my chickens, camel, horses, parrots or dogs, bright and early at 5:30 am, with that same energy that made me want to leap out of bed and face the day! (Mind you, this was without the help of an alarm clock!) I couldn't wait to try it again and had another glass for breakfast, only this time, I added a little Agave Nectar to help improve the taste. (It really doesn't need improving, I just happen to like a sweeter taste.) I ended up working HARD (one does that on a ranch) ALL day, and kept waiting for a drop in energy. It NEVER happened! Not only that, but by noon, my usual ready-to-pass-out-n-take-a-nap time, was completely bypassed. I STRONGLY recommend EVERYONE get on this amazing product. I don't care what it costs! (Although, I will tell you, the local healthfood store burned me for twice the price as iHerb!) Just do it! You're worth it, and so is your body! You will LOVE the real energy it provides and OMG! Once you understand the power (and process) behind alkalizing your blood to neutralize acidic buildup, you're going to REALLY Love this stuff! (I was so out of balance that I started to notice physical symptoms that were causing me concern, like shaking hands, rapidly decaying eye-sight, heart palpitations, IBS, mood swings, etc...) This hit me so hard, that within less than 72 hours of taking it, everything started to go the other way! PEOPLE - if you eat/drink nothing else in your life, DRINK THIS! Your body will thank you for it!